My Picture Book

„I outlined my world and portrayed in pictures shown here and in my picture book what I know and feel about people and places in my life.“

Photos by Susan Werby
When I started drawing and painting the pictures in my book, Lines of My Life, I was broken. As an abused child growing up in a dysfunctional Filipino family, I was denied love and security. My German family gave me a sense of stability and a chance to come to grips with my anger and self-hate. My soul search was additional impetus for visualizing intimate landscapes. Furthermore, I consoled myself by graphically representing my conflicted feelings toward the children of Hans, thereby adjusting to them. Making the pictures in this book, therefore, helped me become kinder and whole.
For the first time, I showed all the pictures in my book in the September 2018 exhibition held in Muralto, Switzerland. The video of the vernissage can be viewed by selecting the Exhibition option in the menu.
In the United States a book-signing event, for the first time featuring my picture book, Lines of My Life, along with the fine art edition of seven images published in it, was held from 6 to 8 PM on Friday, September 20, 2019, at the Virginia Beach Art Center (
I will offer insights into the visual language of my picture book in the „Author Talk“ from 2 to 4 PM on Sunday, April 19, 2020, in Room 640 at the Slover Library in Norfolk, Virginia, U.S.A (